Why you should'nt but PS3:
1. There is not so much games on it.
2. You can't use the old controlers. (From PS2 or PS1)
3. It's only a bit better then Xbox 360. (I can't excatly see difference)
4. Cost a lot... (the worst reason)
Result: Xbox 360 is cheaper then PS3 and there is a lot of games on Xbox 360.
And on this picture you can see difference between PS3 and Xbox 360.
You can very well see as on Xbox 360 landscape is somewhat darker then PS3, BUT i think it looks a bit more real then on PS3. But if you guys can say more about it so just add a comment.
Ps3 is shit. It's too expensive and there's not really many good games for it. And the network system... way worst that Xbox Live.
well... yeah! that's right.